2030 Summary - The Thesis

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2030 Summary

 Human eye seen through transparent digital chart


1-Sentence summary: When it comes to predicting what will happen in our lives from 2030 onwards on the basis of sociological demographics and technological developments on today's globe, 2030 is your go-to book.

It's unlikely that anyone would believe you if you told them what was going to happen in 2020 some years prior. A new global epidemic, devastating wildfires, a stock market meltdown, and worldwide racial justice protests were just a few of the events that took place in that year.

Isn't it comforting to have a glimpse into the future? The need to know what's ahead is greater than ever in these exceptional times, so that we can plan accordingly. Things like a pandemic, on the other hand, are impossible to forecast. However, it is possible to make educated guesses about what may be coming our way in the future.

Mauro F. Guillen, the author of the book 2030: How Today's Biggest Trends Will Collide and Shape the Future of Everything, has provided us with some educated guesses. By incorporating current demographic and sociological trends with cutting-edge technical innovations, Guillen paints a vivid picture of the world as it will be in the next decade.

Low birth rates, a rising middle class, higher female income, climatic change that will alter city life, and exciting technical breakthroughs are just some of the forecasts that have been made about the future. Preparing for the amazing and not-so-exciting events that will take place in the next ten years will be easier thanks to his precise forecasts.

The following are three of the most important takeaways from this book:

1. Birth rates are dropping, which means that our planet will never be the same as it was before the decline.

2.  According to the World Bank's Global Gender Gap Report, women will hold more than half of global wealth by 2030.

3. Cryptocurrency's popularity will continue to grow, and by 2030, we may be able to fully utilize its potential.

Get in the Delorean and travel back in time! The year 2030 is upon us!

Lesson #1: Declining birth rates have a long-term effect on how our planet looks now.

Many individuals were concerned about overpopulation a little more than 50 years ago. Because of the dropping birth rate, this is no longer a major issue for most people. What we should be concerned about in the coming decade is a baby shortage, says Guillermo Guillen.

On average, there were fewer than two children born in the United States during the 1970s. In other words, we don't even have enough children to replace the current generation at the current rate of birth.

What's the big deal? Some would argue that this is a good thing because our planet's resources are limited. However, if we want to care for the elderly, our current economic structure relies heavily on our future generation. Taxes from the younger age group are sorely needed to help pay for the pensions of the older generation.

Because more women are working, the birth rate has dropped significantly. Women who are actively employed are more inclined to delay having children until they have made a name for themselves in their career. Older women are less likely to bear children since their fertility decreases with age.

But this isn't the only reason why we're here today. Sexual activity is down as well. The Archives of Sexual Behavior reported that Americans had sex nine times less frequently in the 1990s than they did in the 2010s. Why? Technology has made it possible for us to have a wider variety of entertaining distractions at home such as video games.

Even so, not all countries have seen a dramatic drop in birth rates. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing an increase in its population. According to the author, there are two possible outcomes. There will be a trillion-dollar food and agriculture industry in this region because of its dependence on imported food. The massive increase in the number of people reaching retirement age will require a rethinking of Western nations' policies on immigration.

Lesson #2: More than half of the world's wealth will be owned by women by 2030.

For the first time ever, women will control more than half of global wealth by the year 2030. Currently, women in the workplace confront significant obstacles to advancing their wealth. It is common for women to be the primary caretakers of their children and family members. Women who are primary caregivers sometimes forgo a few years of work, which means they miss out on pay advancements enjoyed by their male colleagues.

Although the number of competent workers will decrease due to a combination of low birth rates and an aging population, this is excellent news for working women. Businesses will start to use more working caregivers as a result of this.

According to Gallup polls, we're getting more and more comfortable with the idea of more women in the workforce. Our attitudes of women in leadership roles are more positive than they have ever been, according to a new poll. Women will be wealthier than ever in the next decade because of the rise of the working woman and the rise of the female executive.

Changes in the global economy will follow this shift. Based on research into female spending habits, the author expects to see an increase in the amount spent on education, health care, and insurance. In the past, women have been more likely to spend money in this area than men. When it comes to their financial futures, women are more likely than men to choose safe assets like index funds.

Lesson #3: Cryptocurrency's influence is expected to grow over the next few years.

As technology progresses, so does money. It's becoming more commonplace for people to use non-physical currency. Cryptocurrency could be the next big thing in the world of money. In the near future, the author expects that cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, will become commonplace.

A peer-to-peer network is at the heart of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Any government or even a bank is not affiliated with the Bitcoin virtual currency. Public access to all transactions is provided online. They may be seen on the blockchain, a public record.

All the transactions that have been recorded in a given block are linked together to form an encrypted blockchain. Being unable to alter the blockchain's coding implies that it is impenetrable to hackers. As a result, it is the most secure form of currency on the planet.

Despite the fact that it is based on sound technology, most individuals prefer to keep their money in traditional bank accounts. It's logical, given the wild swings in the market's value.

However, the blockchain has enormous promise in transforming the way we think about money altogether. There would be no need for middlemen to handle transactions, and banks and governments would no longer have control over the money. It's also possible that it will encourage us to spend our money more ethically.

When it comes to tracking diamond transactions using blockchain technology, Dexio is a good example. With the help of this new technology, e-voting may be made more secure, and online piracy can be reduced. If we can eventually adopt cryptocurrencies, this is one of the many ways it might fundamentally alter the way we think about money.

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