BECE Essay and Letter Writing Questions - The Thesis

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BECE Essay and Letter Writing Questions

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BECE Essay Writing 

Past Questions On Essay Writing

BECE Essay Writing from Year 1990 to Date

Year 2018
  1. As School Prefect, write a letter to your District or Municipal or Metropolitan Chief Executive requesting the maintenance of the buildings in your school.
  2. Write arguments for or against the topic: Life in the city is more dangerous than that in the village.
  3. Write a report to the Headteacher of your school about how a senior girl beat up a junior boy.
Year 2017
  1. You have been installed a chief in your hometown. Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him, at least, two things you intend doing to develop the town.
  2. Write an article for publication in one of the national newspapers on the topic: The usefulness of the mobile phone.
  3. Write a story that ends with the expression: So it pays to be kind to strangers.
Year 2016
  1. Write a letter to your friend describing how you saved a child who was in danger.
  2. Write an article for publication in your school magazine on the topic: The relationship between parents and their children should be cordial.
  3. Write a story which ends with the sentence, We were lucky that night.
Year 2015
  1. You have won a scholarship to study abroad. Write a letter to your friend telling him or her at least two things that you will miss away.
  2. Write an article for publication in your school magazine suggesting at least two ways by which cheating in the BECE can be stopped.
  3. Write a story that ends, This is why our friendship came to an end.
Year 2014
  1. You have been offered admission to a Senior High School to pursue a programme which you do not like.
  2. Write to the headmaster of the school stating at least two reasons why you want the programme changed.
  3. Write an article to be published in a national newspaper on why every school should have a library
  4. Write the speech you would give at your school‟s graduation day on The school’s achievements and failures in the academic year.
Year 2013
  1. Write a letter to your friend telling him or her three ways in which the computer has made learning easier for students.
  2. Write an article for publication in a national newspaper discussing at least two reasons why students should cultivate the habit of reading
  3. Describe one national event that took place recently and state at least two effects it had on the people in your area.
Year 2012
  1. Write a letter to the Member of Parliament of your constituency, telling him/her about the rise in armed robbery in your area. Suggest at least two ways to check it
  2. Write a story which ends with the sentence: We arrived just in time to save the situation
  3. Your father has received the “National Best Farmer’s Award”. Write a letter to your brother who is outside the country, describing the ceremony.

Year 2011
  1. Write a letter to your District Director of Education giving at least, two reasons why caning should be banned in schools.
  2. Write a story which ends with the expression: “………what a dream!”
  3. As secretary of the Friends of the Environment club, write the speech you would give to the students of your school on the need to keep the environment clean
Year 2010
  1. Write a letter to your father asking permission to join your schoolmates who are going on an excursion.
  2. Write an article for publication in a local newspaper on the topic: Every school should have a library.
  3. Write a short story illustrating the saying: All that glitters is not gold.
Year 2009
  1. An annual festival has recently been celebrated in your area. Write a letter to your friend in another part of the country, describing the festival and how you enjoyed it.
  2. Your teachers have complained about acts of indiscipline being practised in your school. As Senior Prefect, write a letter to the headmaster, describing two of such acts and suggesting ways of correcting them.
  3. You are a speaker in a debate on the motion: The use of mobile phones in school by students should be banned. Write your contribution for or against the motion
  4. Your school performed very well in the inter-zonal athletics competition held recently. As Sports Prefect, write a report on the competition to your headmaster.
Year 2008
  1. Your father’s friend has promised to grant you anything you wish if you successfully completed school. Write a letter to him describing, at least, three things you want him to do for you and why.
  2. Write a letter to the Chairman of your school‟s Parent-Teacher Association (P.T.A.) on the need to provide recreational facilities in your school.
  3. As a Senior Prefect of your school, write a speech you would give to fresh students telling them, at least, three things that can make their stay in the school successful.
  4. Write a story that explains the saying: Two heads are better than one.
Year 2007
  1. Write a letter to your District Chief Executive about the acute shortage of water in your area, and suggest at least two ways of solving the problem.
  2. Write a letter to your friend abroad explaining how Independence Day in Ghana is celebrated.
  3. As Senior Prefect, write the speech that you will deliver at your school‟s Speech and Prize-giving Day.
  4. Describe to your friend how your favourite game is played.
Year 2006
  1. Write a letter to your Assemblyman suggesting three ways in which you can help improve sanitation in your area
  2. Write a letter to your brother living in another region of your country informing him about the latest news at home.
  3. You are a speaker in an inter-school debate on the topic: Television is doing more harm than good to students. Write your speech for or against the topic.
  4. Your PTA has introduced a Best Teacher Award Scheme for your school. Which of your teachers would you nominate for the award and why?
Year 2005
  1. Write a letter to your mother who lives abroad asking her to buy you three important things and explaining why you need them.
  2. Write a letter to your District Director of Education applying for the post of messenger. State why you are the one most qualified for the job.
  3. You live about ten kilometres away from your school. Write accurate directions to a friend who wishes to visit you.
  4. Write a story which ends, “………….but everybody was happy”.
Year 2004
  1. Your teacher has selected a programme for your senior secondary school course. Write a letter to him explaining why you would prefer a different one.
  2. With the consent of your parents, write a letter inviting your friend to spend part of the long vacation with you
  3. Describe an interesting function you attended recently.
  4. Would you like to attend a girls/boys school or a mixed school? Give at least three reasons for your choice.
Year 2003
  1. You need a better playing field in your school. Write a letter to your District Chief Executive asking for assistance.
  2. You want to further your education after leaving junior secondary school (JSS). Write a letter to your uncle giving him at least three reasons why you need his help.
  3. Your school is planning an excursion to a place of interest in your district. Describe the preparations you are making towards the journey.
  4. Write an article for publication in the Junior Graphic on the topic: Why candidates should not cheat in examinations
Year 2002
  1. You have been absent from school for two weeks. Write a letter to the Head of your school explaining why you were absent.
  2. Write a letter to your younger brother giving at least three reasons why you like your friend.
  3. Give an account of a memorable event in your life.
  4. It has been suggested that parents should buy textbooks for their school children. Give at least three reasons why you agree or disagree with this suggestion.
Year 2001
  1. Write a letter to your pen-pal telling him why you like your school.
  2. Write a letter to the Headteacher of your school complaining about at least two bad things your teachers do in the school
  3. You are a speaker in a school debate on the topic “Boys should not help in the kitchen.” Write your speech for or against the topic.
  4. You suddenly woke up when you heard someone shouting “Help! Help!” Describe what you saw when you rushed out.
Year 2000
  1. Write a letter to Chairman of the Town Development Committee of your area telling him about the poor sanitation in your community. Suggest at least two ways of improving the sanitation.
  2. Write a letter to your friend in another town describing not less than two interesting things in your hometown
  3. Narrate to your friends an interesting story your grandmother told you.
  4. As the Senior Prefect of your school, you have been invited to tell the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) what your school needs most. Write your speech.

Year 1996

2.    Though your grades at the BECE were very good, none of the schools you chose offered you admission. Write a letter to your District Education Officer about this unfair treatment and request that something is done about it. 
3. Describe the happiest day in your life.

4. Give an account of a fearful experience you have had or witnessed.  


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