7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness Summary - The Thesis

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7 Strategies For Wealth And Happiness Summary

Smiling mother and child
Summary in One Sentence: 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness is the ultimate guide to increasing your wealth through self-discipline, activity, and a good attitude towards work, money, and the people around you.

What would you do with a million dollars if you had it? Isn't it incredible and life-altering to have that kind of money? What if, at the age of 31, you had amassed that type of wealth?

However, it took some work on Jim Rohn's part. After six years at the same pay, he met Earl Shoaff, a mentor, and things started to change. As a result of his discipline and strategic concentration, Rohn became wealthy at an early age. You, too, have the option to do so.

In his book, 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness: Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher, author Jim Rohn shows us how to do just that. These are some possible approaches:

  1. Achieve Your Dreams by Setting Goals
  2. Attempt to Learn
  3. Learn how to adapt to new situations.
  4. Maintain financial mastery
  5. Master time
  6. Surround Yourself With People Who Have Already Succeeded
  7. Learn how to live a happy and healthy life

To help you improve your life, here are three of the most important lessons this book offers:

  • If you are hungry for information, you will soon see that your life is filled with success and wealth.
  • Have a more positive outlook on taxes and use the 70/30 rule to keep your finances in check.
  • Spend your time with people who will help you grow, rather than people who will drag you down.

Is it time for a major shift in your life for the better? Why don't we go right in and see how to accomplish that?

Lesson #1: Get into the habit of self-directed study, and you'll be on your way to becoming more prosperous and knowledgeable. 

Suppose you wanted to be a doctor. No one would attempt triple bypass surgery unless they had studied the heart and surgical procedures for at least a decade. What's the point, therefore, if you don't intend to learn about money management?

Fortunately, you don't have to fork over large sums of money in order to acquire the knowledge you need. Self-directed learning is the only way to get ahead financially. 

You can do this by drawing on your own life experiences. The only way to learn from your experiences is to reflect on them every day. Observing what works and what doesn't can help you decide what to continue and what to discontinue.

Books, films, and online courses can also be used as self-directed learning tools. The best ways to improve your life are to read the autobiographies of successful people or how-to books.

Spending time with affluent individuals is one of the ways Rohn says we seek knowledge. Invite a person you aspire to work with to lunch, and spend the time chatting with them about what it takes to get there. Even if you've memorised the habits of successful people, hearing them directly from the mouths of the rich and famous is an unforgettable experience. Your life will be better off if you put time and money into these and other strategies.

Lesson 2: Using the 70/30 rule and a positive tax attitude will help you accumulate wealth and keep it.

When it comes to taxes, most people find the idea repulsive. "Death and taxes are the only things that are guaranteed in life," you might remark. As far as I know, it's not fair for the government to confiscate your cash. 

This is not Rohn's view on the matter. When his mentor taught him to have a better attitude toward taxes, he used to have the same mindset. The more positive you are about money, the less frustrated and in control you feel, he stated.

Take a look at all the benefits that come with paying taxes. Your tax dollars go toward things like defense, roads, and public transportation, which all contribute to a higher quality of life for everyone. In exchange, you get to experience independence, safety, and a wide range of possibilities. 

You should not only view your taxes positively but also all of your other expenditures. Be thankful for the opportunity to contribute to the economy by purchasing goods and services. You should also take a look at how much money you spend on water and on heating and cooling your home.

Spend 70% of your money on what you need and what you want. Make three separate accounts for saving, investing, and donating the remaining 70% of your money in each account. Investing a small amount of money each month in these will have a significant impact on your financial well-being and contentment. 

Lesso #3: Choose your friends wisely and deliberately, because the individuals you spend the most time with will shape your character.

What you do and who you are are greatly influenced by the people you spend time with. It's possible that the people we hang out with have a poor attitude toward money, and this attitude can spread to us. It's disheartening to find out that you've changed because you hung out with the wrong people.

Analyze the folks you spend the majority of your free time with. What questions should you ask yourself about them? 

Who are these people?  

How do they affect me?

Do I feel comfortable with these connections?

Some of your pals may have a negative effect on you. It may be time to make a difficult decision and cut them out of your life. Limited association and limiting your time with them may be an option if this isn't doable.

Ignoring terrible relationships isn't enough. You have to get rid of them as well. In order to be truly successful, you must spend more time with the individuals you aspire to emulate. "Expanded association," says Rohn. Get involved in your local community or internet forums to identify high-quality candidates.

Rohn is most known for a remark that aptly sums up this point:

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

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