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The first few years of college and in the University life is great until...thesis (or “these” depending on the level of one’s stress). The agony, stress, time pressure, and ‘torture’ of having to put together pages and pages of written material for presentation can leave one sleepless for many nights.

But then, to even begin to make headway in this daunting task, one needs to understand ‘theses meaning’ or if you like the meaning of thesis. Sometimes the pressure can become so much that a search for ‘thesis definition’ may be rendered as ‘these definition’ or ‘thesis’ statement examples becoming ‘theme’ statement examples or ‘thesis’ becoming rendered as ‘these’.

A thesis is generally a well researched written document, an individual must submit to a university as a partial fulfillment requirement for the award of degree. 

‘Thesis’ as a word and concept seem to originate from the word, hypothesis. Thesis is basically the shortened form of hypothesis, without the ‘hypo’. Drawing from the scientific method, identification of a problem and the statement of the said problem precedes the making of a hypothesis. Hypothesis or thesis is made.

This therefore implies that certain things go into the making of a thesis statement and some of these things are reasoning, arguments and current empirical data about the natural or social phenomena in question.

Characteristics of a Good Thesis Statement

Every good thesis should have twocomponents – the ‘what’ and the ‘how’. A thesis indicates what is to be argued and how it is to be done.

Some characteristics of good thesis statements are:
  • -         A thesis is really not a question.
  • -         A thesis is not a list.
  • -         A thesis should never be imprecise, antagonistic or confrontational
  • -         An effective thesis should be testable, specific and concise.

Thesis Statement Template

For thesis statement templates please click [here] for more information.

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