Food For Thought 1.0.0 - The Thesis

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Food For Thought 1.0.0

A man sitting on a stone thinking deeply
The Thinker

      Today, I share with you some of the insights I have received from the Word of God (i.e. the Bible) and from some of His generals (anointed ministers of the Gospel of Christ). In all, they are 32 inspired thoughts and they have been numbered as such. It is my hope that these inspired thoughts would minister to you, encourage you and spur you on to greater heights.  Here we go:

1.      The Lord's persona is His glory. His glory emanates from who He is. The more I get to know Him the more His glory in my life intensifies.
o    When Moses asked the Lord to show him his glory, the Lord did. How? He said the Lord merciful and gracious.....In essence, He communicated his nature (i.e. who he Is) to Moses.

2.      To worship God is to know who He is. 

3.      A man's PRIDE shall bring him LOW, but HONOUR shall uphold the HUMBLE in the SPIRIT. (Prov. 29:23).

4.      Optimists and pessimists are equally important.
o    They both can be used as thermostats for negativity and positivity.
o    Optimists are more sensitive to positives than negatives.
o    Pessimists are more sensitive to negatives than positives.
o    These orientations do influence interactions.

5.      "Success is the condition of a man's spirit; and, failure is the condition of the man's spirit. It has got nothing to do with what is happening around you." - Pastor Chris, message title: the Consummate man.

6.      Bible scholars say that when the Bible say Clap your hands, it actually means put your enemies between your palms and jam them - Bishop Adeboye

7.      "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." ~ Anon.

8.      Genesis law of food - anything that does not contain seed is not food. Never eat the seed with the food. When you are served food always leave some.

9.      Seed is the container of life.

10.  All of life is summed up in seedtime and harvest.

11.  You must first subdue your flesh before you can subdue the earth. Discipline it. Discipline is an active process. - Tayo Adeyemi
o    Everywhere you go your flesh goes with you. If you become a millionaire, your flesh becomes a millionaire and has more options.

12.  How to kill the flesh so that you can subdue it
o    walk in the Spirit and the Word
o    Prayer and fasting
o    Walk in humility - Paul embraced the heart of a servant.

13.  The usefulness of money lies in problem solving. Money represents power to solve problems and make things happen.
o    The principle for increasing this power is to give some away.

14.  You have no access to revelation without joy. Without joy you are limited in revelation. - Bishop Oyedepo.

15.  Without a kingdom dream, you have no access to kingdom boom – Bishop Oyedepo

16.  To make a mark carry Christ’s kingdom in your heart.

17.  Favour God's righteous cause and He will take pleasure in your prosperity – Bishop Oyedepo.

18.  When it is in your heart, God will put it in your hands. – Bishop Oyedepo

19.  The power to be is in your believing. "As many as believed him he gave them the power to become"
o    Whatever you believe you can become.

20.  What do you believe? What you believe is what you experience. Our experiences in life are a sum total of what we have come to believe.

21.  Anytime you speak words of criticism against your father, you attract the demons that have fought him. - Bishop Dag Heward-Mills

22.  It's not about money, it's about changing lives.
o    We work to make a difference not to make money.
o     Money is the follower of only one group of people: difference makers.
o    Always aim to serve.

23.  Christiandom is more about "receivement" than achievement - Bishop Oyedepo
o    Master the art of receiving from God.

24.  Repetition is the rhythm of life. We are products of our habits - the things we continually do. e.g. breathing, the beating of the heart.
o     In between these contractions, there is relaxation. A give and take it is.

25.  Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit." ~ Napoleon Hill

26.  Every devil is legalistic. Put to them the truth of God's Word and they will flee.

27.  Behind every label is a problem. For example, "Where people matter" seeks to solve the problem of people not mattering enough. That is the primary problem the organization seeks to solve within the context of the organization's peculiar vision and challenges.

28.  For any dream to be realized a strong emotional connection must of necessity be established to the dream.

29.  Every dream is fed by actions. Carry out a task on your dream every single day.

30.  I have noticed something about dreams. In the dream world time seems to move faster. Just two scenes in a dream can consume, say,  1 hour or more. Very strange.
o    The dream world is representative of the realm of the spirit.
o    If the above statement is true, then it follows that one sure way to accelerate the 'coming to pass' of happenings in our lives is to engage that desired occurrence in prayer.
o    Prayer transports the desired occurrence into the realm of the spirit for 'work' to be performed upon it for materialization in the physical.

31.  Prophecies go ahead of us to wage warfares on our behalf.
o    So put more prophecies in your mouth from the Word of God.

32.  "The Just shall live by his faith" (Hab. 2:4) implies that we experience life in accordance with what we have come to believe.
o    Jesus reiterated this principle when he said, according to your faith be it done unto you"
o    The question now is?:
·         What have I believed? They are shaping my life
·         Are my acquiring new beliefs?
·         Are these beliefs from the Word of God.
·         What are my beliefs about job, mandate etc.
§  Do you have the belief that you are not perhaps deserving of a good job? This belief needs terminating.

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