Food for Thought 1.0.1 - The Thesis

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Food for Thought 1.0.1

Th thinker. A man sitting on a stone with hands beneath the cheek thinking.

On 14th August 2016, the first of a serial post titled Food for Thought, titled Food for Thought 1.0.0 was published. Today, we share with you Food for Thought 1.0.1. Happy reading and don't forget to put them to work.

1. The favour of God is triggered by man's love for God. - Bishop Oyedepo.

2. The secrets of men are in their stories - Bishop Oyedepo.

3. I have not prospered until I have built a house - Bishop Dag Heward-Mills.

4. Pray the greatest prayer "Dear Father, Let thy will be done in my life".

5. If you want God to honor you and bless you in any area of your life, you're going to have to honor Him in that particular area - Gloria Copeland.

6. We are often drawn to who we are. – Isaac Olufemi Danso

7. The key to having prayers answered is to build a relationship with God. Heavens open over sons not people - Prophet Kakra Baiden, Lighthouse Sakumono

8. Holiness and purity before God and man make lions lose their appetite so that they cannot bite you even if they want to - Prophet Kakra Baiden, Lighthouse Sakumono.

9. The only strategy required to enable a person reach his/her goals and objectives in spite of the obstacles is PRAYER and the WORD. This was the strategy of Jesus. It also became the strategy of the Apostles to get the salvation message published all over the World. – Isaac Olufemi Danso

10. "Seek ye me and ye shall live" (Amos 5:4)

11. For prayer to be effective it must be habitual - Dag Heward-Mills

12.  The second half of a man's life is made up of the habits he developed in the first half. -   "Jodowoetszky"

13. The strength of a man's virtue are made up of his habitual acts - Pascal.

14. It seems to me that the key to staying on top in the information age is knowledge and wisdom. All the major companies of the world thrive on up-to-date knowledge. Apple, Microsoft, IBM and the like all have R&D facilities all over the world to take advantage of knowledge centres and concentration of experts and specialists outside its Home base.

15. Expansion of your inner world leads to expansion of your outer world. Believing for the impossible and seeing the invisible expands the inner world.

16. Effort, Discipline, Dedication and Commitment is required to make changes in any area of your life. - Jesse DuPlantis.

18. True prosperity is in the anointing and the Word of God. - Kenneth Copeland.

19. To enter a world of fortunes, do these three things: Labour to be obedient; Labour to be a blessing; Labour to be guided by the Spirit. -  the Bishop Oyedepo.

20. The most important aspect in the journey to the top is not the HOW to get there but rather the definition of the destination - the goal.

21. The God factor (trust in God, self reliant, and kingdom mindedness), the act of writing down your dreams/plans (puts you in the top 3 %), discipline to the act of doing are important keys for success - Ato Essien.

22. God changes our will by giving us light (revelation knowledge, wisdom and understanding). This truth is seen in the Story of Jonah, the Prophet.

24. It's not the load that breaks you down, it is the way you carry the load - Mark Victor Hansen.

25. Why Prophecies delay:  (1) When God speaks before He brings what He has said to come to pass, He waits for his people to adjust their understanding and mind; (2) Prophecies delay because God can't find an available vessel to bring that prophecy to pass - Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah.

26. God is not slow; we are. That's what's happening with you and me. We haven't fine tuned our spirits enough to pick up the voice of the Spirit. How do you adjust your spiritual tuner? By praying in the spirit. Praying in other tongues is the fastest, most effective method I know of to tune in to God—because instead of praying your own thoughts and plans, you're praying His! The Bible says that when you pray in tongues, you're speaking mysteries to God. In the spirit, you're calling forth parts of God's plan you don't even understand with your natural mind. By the unction of the Holy Spirit, you're praying the perfect will of God. ~ Kenneth Copeland

27. "A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown."  ~ Dr. Denis Waitley.

28. You need God's anointing to fulfill your God-given mandate. Praying and the study of the Word releases that anointing. Jesus fasted and prayed before beginning His ministry. He received an anointing for ministry. Paul began His ministry with fasting and prayers before venturing out to heed the call. He also received an anointing.  The Apostles committed themselves to prayer and the Word, thus releasing the anointing to fulfill God's perfect will for their lives. In conclusion, you and I must seek to be anointed to carry out God's perfect will for our lives. – Isaac Olufemi Danso.

29. "The Just shall live by his faith" (Hab. 2:4) implies that we experience life in accordance with what we have come to believe. Jesus reiterated this principle when he said, according to your faith be it done unto you". – Isaac Olufemi Danso
       ○ The question now is?:
                  § What have I believed? They are shaping my life
                  § Are my acquiring new beliefs?
                 § Are these beliefs from the Word of God.
                 § What are my beliefs about job, mandate etc.
                        □ I know someone who had the belief that he was not worthy of a good job. Once he terminated that belief, he got a great job. Clearly spell out what you want and believe that you have what it takes to get it.

30. Whatever you can imagine, you can do. Whatever your mind cannot take, your faith cannot deliver. Whatever you cannot hope, your faith cannot deliver. -  the Bishop Oyedepo.

31. The mind is the battlefield of life - the Bishop Oyedepo

32. Full persuasion is at the root of strong faith. Great faith comes out of great scriptural thoughts. Feeding your mind with the truth guarantees triumph 24/7. It is your mind that feeds your Spirit. - - the Bishop Oyedepo.

33. When the truth of scripture is correctly interpreted, it gives boldness. - the Bishop Oyedepo.

34. Every Christian must of necessity go through hardships for him to be accepted as a Son.
35. Loss of truth is unhealthy corruption of the mind.  ~Jesse DuPlantis

36. Giving is family planning. What you give may leave your hand but not your life. - Jesse DuPlantis

37. Obedience to the truth is the way to further revelations - Jesse DuPlantis

38. Belief is the action side of truth but love is the lifestyle of truth - Jesse DuPlantis

39. The secrets of greatness are:  1. GRATITUDE; 2. THE MERCY OF GOD. Develop a lifestyle of gratitude  and Seek God's Mercy in everything you do. -- Dr. Adeboye, RCCG.

40. The real worth of a seed is in planting it. Your plantedness is the platform for your greatness. Be dedicated to the things of God. An unplanted seed is not secured; it is vulnerable to the internal and external forces of nature. - Bishop Oyedepo.

39. Fear is a thief because fear robs you before you even begin. ~Anonymous

40. Your sense of value for the sent one is what guarantees you access to what he carries – Bishop Oyedepo.

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Copyright Dec 2014, Isaac Olufemi-Danso.

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