Letter accepting invitation to spend holiday with cousin - The Thesis

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Letter accepting invitation to spend holiday with cousin


1.             Your cousin has invited you to spend your forthcoming holidays again with him or her. Write a letter to accept the invitation and tell your cousin what you want to see and do this time [BECE 1994 English Paper 2]

Dear Cousin Kofi,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your invitation to spend my forthcoming holidays with you. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to spend time with you again, and I am eager to make the most of my visit.

This time around, I would love to explore more of the city and see some of the sights that I might have missed on my previous visit. I have always been fascinated by the history and culture of the area, and I would love to visit some of the local museums and historical landmarks. I also enjoy outdoor activities, so I would love to spend some time hiking and exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

In addition to sightseeing, I would also love to spend some quality time with you and catch up on each other’s lives. I miss our conversations and the fun we had on my last visit. I look forward to sharing new experiences and making new memories together.

Thank you once again for your kind invitation. I am looking forward to my visit and spending time with you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in the arrangements for my stay.

Warm regards,


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