Thoughts, Lessons and Insights - The Thesis

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Thoughts, Lessons and Insights

Lessons learned
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There is more to life than meets the eye. How I wish life was a perfect straight line, but it is not; rather, it is a journey full of contours and detours. 

However, with the appropriate knowledge and insight from the Good Book, the Bible, the journey can be much sweeter. This Sunday, I share with you thoughts, lessons and insights. Those which were not originally given me have been appropriately attributed to their rightful custodians. I use "custodians" because no human being is the "owner" of any God-given insight, in the truest sense of the word ownership, just a custodian. Thanks for joining me. Here we go:

1.      In Proverbs you’ll find out, for example, that the quality of faithfulness and the blessing of prosperity are tied together very closely. Wherever you find one, you’ll find the other. For as Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man shall abound with blessings … ” According to Webster’s dictionary, a faithful man is one who “adheres to duty, of true fidelity, loyal, true to allegiance, and constant in the performance of duties or services." - Gloria Copeland

2.      You see, the foundation of prosperity is a continual lifestyle built on the Word of God. It is doing whatever God tells you to do, thinking whatever He tells you to think, and saying whatever He tells you to say. - Gloria Copeland

3.      It’s important for us to remember, however, that a covenant is always between two parties. It has two sides to it. A covenant says, If you do this, then I’ll do that. God’s part of the covenant is to prosper us—spirit, soul and body as well as financially. What is our part of the covenant? It’s not to seek after that prosperity. If we do that, we’ll get sidetracked. Our part of the covenant is to seek first His kingdom, His way of doing and being right! Our part is to say, “Lord, I’ll do whatever You tell me to do. I’ll obey Your Word and do what is right in Your sight—even if it looks like it will cost me.” - Gloria Copeland

4.      The substance of great men is their thoughts and words.

5.      "I know that you are for me. I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness" -Kari Jobe,  Gateway Worship

6.      "I am redeemed. You set me free. And so I will shake off these heavy chains and wipe away every stain. I am not who I used to be." - Big Daddy Weave, lyrics from a Gospel song.

7.      To own up to our weaknesses and work at them is strength. To gloss over them and pretend they don't exist is double weakness. This behaviour doesn't allow us to work on them. The end result is shame and dishonour. (Abraham had fears...Gen 11)

8.      Impossible is nothing. - Adidas. Let's stop fighting a fight that has already been won for we are REDEEMED! - lyric from a song

9.      "Nothing worthwhile ever happens quickly and easily. You achieve only as you are determined to achieve .... and as you keep at it until you have achieved." ~ Robert H. Lauer.

10.  There is a financial lesson to be learned in the game of football.
o    In football, there is defense, midfield and attack.
o    In financial management, defense represents store of seeds,
o    Midfield represents preparations towards getting the next contract or job,
o    whilst attack represents current jobs that are being executed.
o    In a nutshell, do the following to stay on top of your finances:
                                      i.            Save money: that's your store of seeds (Defense)
                                    ii.            Constantly be in expectation of your next  contract. (Midfield)
                                  iii.            Focus on quality with regard to the jobs at hand. (Attack)
§  Employ the Six Sigma approach
§  God does NOT endorse mediocrity.

11.  Don't depend on guesswork. When you encounter a problem, seek the Lord through the Word and in prayer and ask Him what the solution is. No matter how much scripture you learn, no matter how fully you perceive who you are in Christ Jesus, you'll never outgrow your need to do that. Go to the Lord and find out exactly what He wants you to do. Don't decide your course of action and then ask God to bless your plans. Go to Him and say, "Lord, what are Your plans?" His plans are already blessed. If you follow them, your victory is guaranteed. - Kenneth Copeland

12.  In a crowd of literally thousands, the faith decision of one man - Blind Bartimaeus - is directing the actions of Jesus. What does that mean to you? It means that if you're sitting around waiting for Jesus to decide to heal you... for Jesus to decide to help you...for Jesus to decide to prosper you and give you're in for a long wait. Because that's not Jesus' decision. It is yours. - Kenneth Copeland

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